R. Wayne Whitted MD, MPH
8740 North Kendall Dr.
Suite 101
Miami, Florida 33176-2212
Phone: 305-596-3744
Fax: 305-596-3676
Raymond Wayne Whitted MD, MPH
...dedicated to healthy lifestyles and safe, state-of-the-art
surgery for women of all ages.
Ovarian Cysts
The ovaries are a pair of organs in the female re-
productive system. They are located in the pelvis,
one on each side of the uterus, which is the hol-
low, pear-shaped organ where a baby grows. Each
ovary is about the size and shape of an almond.
The ovaries produce eggs and female hormones.
Hormones are chemicals that control the way cer-
tain cells or organs function.
Every month, during the menstrual cycle, an egg is
released from one ovary in a process called ovula-
tion. The egg travels from the ovary through the
fallopian tube to the uterus. The ovaries are also
the main source of the female hormones estrogen
and progesterone. These hormones influence the
development of a woman's breasts, body shape,
and body hair. They also regulate the menstrual
cycle and pregnancy.
Dr. Whitted is dedicated to safe, state-of-the-art,
innovative surgeries and healthy lifestyles for
women of all ages. In a nurturing environment,
the physicians and staff strive to promote a part-
nership in your healthcare and make every effort
to bridge the sterile science of diseases with your
emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. Every-
one is confronted with difficult healthcare deci-
sions at one time or another. You’ll want your
physician and staff to have the knowledge, experi-
ence, and sensitivity to guide you safely through
the decision-making process.
Dr. Whitted provides comprehensive gynecologic
office and surgical healthcare. He is certified in
laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and is an expert in
advanced gynecologic surgery. He has been a
national speaker, trainer, and researcher in ad-
vanced surgical techniques. In addition, Doctor
Whitted is a Certified Menopause Clinician who
educates, trains, and has done research in the
science of menopause. Finally, he is certified in
advanced colposcopy.
Doctor Whitted offers expert education and care in
the following areas:
If you need surgery, Dr. Whitted performs most
gynecologic surgeries with minimally invasive
techniques to reduce hospitalization, recovery,
scarring, discomfort and absence from work in
most cases.
Abnormal Paps (HPV) Loss of Urine
Abnormal Menstrual Cycles Menopause
Bladder Prolapse Ovarian cysts
Chronic Pelvic Pain Osteoporosis
Endometriosis Rectocele
Ectopic Pregnancy Uterine Prolapse
Family Planning Vaginal Prolapse
Fibroids (Leiomyoma Well-Woman Visits
***Evaluation and Diagnosis of Gynecologic Cancers
What are ovarian cysts?
A cyst is a fluid-filled sac, and can be located
anywhere in the body. On the ovary, different
types of cysts can form. The most common type
of ovarian cyst is called a
functional cyst,
which often forms during the normal menstrual
cycle. Each month, a woman's ovaries grow tiny
cysts that hold the eggs. When an egg is mature,
the sac breaks open to release the egg, so it can
travel through the fallopian tube for fertilization.
Then the sac dissolves. In one type of functional
cyst, called a follicular cyst, the sac doesn't break
open to release the egg and may continue to
grow. This type of cyst usually disappears within
one to three months. A corpus luteum cyst, an-
other type of functional cyst, forms if the sac
doesn’t dissolve. Instead, the sac seals off after
the egg is released. Fluid then builds up inside of
it. This type of cyst usually goes away on its own
after a few weeks. However, it can grow to al-
most four inches and may bleed or twist the
ovary and cause pain. Clomid or Serophene,
which are drugs used to induce ovulation, can
raise the risk of getting this type of cyst. These
cysts are almost never associated with cancer.
Benign Non-Functional Ovarian Cysts
 Endometriomas: These cysts develop in
women who have endometriosis, when tissue
from the lining of the uterus grows outside of
the uterus. The tissue may attach to the
ovary and form a growth. These cysts can
be painful during sexual intercourse and dur-
ing menstruation.
 Cystadenomas: These cysts develop from
cells on the outer surface of the ovary. They
are often filled with a watery fluid or thick,
sticky gel. They can become large and
cause pain.
 Dermoid Cysts: The cells in the ovary are
able to make hair, teeth, and other growing
tissues that become a cysts. These cysts
can become large and twist causing pain.
Polycystic Ovaries: The eggs mature within the
follicles, or sacs, but the sac doesn’t break open to
release the egg. The cycle repeats, follicles continue
to grow inside the ovary, and cysts form.
What are the symptoms of ovarian cysts?
Many women have ovarian cysts without having
symptoms. Sometimes, though, a cyst will cause
these problems:
 Pressure, fullness, or pain in the abdomen
 Dull ache in the lower back and thighs
 Problems passing urine completely
 Pain during sexual intercourse
 Weight gain
 Painful menstrual periods and abnormal bleeding
 Nausea or vomiting
 Breast tenderness
How are ovarian cysts found?
Since ovarian cysts may not cause symptoms, they
are usually found during a routine pelvic exam. Once
a cysts is found, the doctor may perform an ultra-
sound, which uses sound waves to create images of
the ovary. With an ultrasound, the doctor can see
how the cysts is shaped; its size and location; and
whether it’s fluid-filled, solid, or mixed. Occasionally
other tests are done which may include a Cat Scan,
MRI, blood work.
To find out if the cyst might be cancerous, your doctor
may do a blood test to measure the CA-125. The
amount of this protein is sometimes higher in women
with ovarian cancer. However, some ovarian cancers
do not make enough CA-125 to be detected by the
test. There are also non-cancerous diseases that
increase the levels of CA-125. These include: fi-
broids, endometriosis, menstruation, other abdominal
disease. The CA-125 test is recommended mostly for
women who are at high risk for ovarian cancer (a
close relative with the disease), or who have a cyst
that has characteristics suggestive of malignancy.
dedicated to healthy lifestyles and safe, state-of-the-art, innovative surgery for women of all ages
How are cysts treated?
Watchful Waiting: The patient waits and
gets re-examined in 2-3 months to see if the
cyst has changed. Often this is used in conjunc-
tion with Birth Control Pill Suppression.
Surgery: If the cyst doesn’t go away after 2-3
months, has gotten larger, looks unusual on the
ultrasound, causes pain, or you’re postmeno-
pausal, the doctor may want to remove it. There
are 2 ways to perform this operation.
Laparoscopy Small incisions are made
in the belly button and lower abdomen (4
incisions usually). The cyst or ovary is re-
moved depending on certain circumstances.
Discuss this with your doctor.
 Laparotomy: is reserved for known can-
cerous cysts or if the cyst is extremely large.
If the cyst is cancerous, the doctor may
need to remove the ovary and other tissues
like the uterus and lymph nodes.
Birth Control Pills: For women who fre-
quently develop painful functional cysts birth
control pills may be used to prevent ovulation.
This will reduce the chances of forming new
Can Ovarian Cysts be Prevented?
Ovarian cysts cannot be prevented. Fortu-
nately, the vast majority of cysts don’t cause
symptoms and are not related to cancer, and go
away on their own.
When are women most like to have
ovarian cysts?
Functional ovarian cysts
usually occur during the childbearing years.
Most often, cysts in women of this age group
are not cancerous. Menopausal women (ages
> 50) with ovarian cysts may have a higher risk
of ovarian cancer. At any age, if you think you
have a cyst, it is important to tell your doctor.